Olive Green Capital F next to an upside down olive green capital F next to the words Fovgiveness actor

Welcome to Forgiveness Factor! We are here to help you forgive in an unforgiving world and see how forgiving is a part of a mentally healthy life.

We invite you to listen to some short audio boosts, sign up to receive written forgiveness boosts, find out where Tim is speaking, learn a little bit more about forgiveness, connect with the International Forgiveness Institute and more.

Combining research with lived experience to bring a unique point of view.

Wondering where Tim might be speaking next? Check out the Speaking page.

Forgiveness Audio Boosts

Forgiveness Factor is excited to partner with Life102.5 FM radio to talk forgiveness. Every Tuesday morning, around 7:15am and 9:15am, you can listen to a conversation with Tim Markle, from Forgiveness Factor, and Dave & Natalie, from Mornings with Dave & Natalie. Tune in at 102.5FM around the Madison area or online at https://life1025.com/.

January 2025

Looking Back and Looking Ahead (as usual) Aired 1.7.25

December 2024

The Oxymorons of Christmas Aired 12.24.24
Reflections on ALCS Tragedy Aired 12.17.24
Connected Christmas Aired 12.10.23
Slobbery Dogs and Forgiveness Aired 12.3.24

Forgiveness Factor is currently seeking sponsorships for 2025. There are different levels of sponsorship available — from sponsoring one Audio Forgiveness Boost or sponsoring multiple Boosts. You will be recognized on air, in the Forgiveness Boost email blast, and online at Forgiveness Factor. Other opportunities are available to spread the message of forgiveness at music festivals and other events. Find out more by emailing us at Tim@forgivenessfactor.org.

Listen to past Audio Boosts on our Audio Boost page.

The words we say

If you are like me, you grew up having to say “I forgive you” when someone said “I’m sorry.” As you got older, you may have learned people don’t always say “I’m sorry.” And the words “I forgive you” didn’t magically make forgiveness happen. ​Or maybe you listened to stories, teachings or sermons on forgiveness and you were convinced that forgiveness was a good idea. But no-one really taught you how to forgive.

Man with large mustache and soul patch wearing a red knit cap with an angry look on his faceWomen with dark hair resting her hand on her forehead in front of a brown coffee mugForgiveness? No way!
We have all been hurt.
Sometimes that hurt can change us.
Sometimes we can’t let it go.
Sometimes we just want to forget it ever happened.
Sometimes we try to hide it.
​Sometimes we try and try and try to get rid of the anger, the pain, the disappointment, the shame, the uncomfortableness.
We even yell at it to go away.
But it’s still here.

Some of us try avoidance, drinking, isolation, yelling, blaming, eating–
anything to get rid of the pain, to deal with the resentment.

Light bulbs hanging from tree branches above the word HOPE spelled out in light boxesThere is hope!

For thousands of years philosophers and theologians have promoted forgiveness. Forgiveness is core to many worldviews. A few decades ago, psychologists and others began to test and research how people forgive and if forgiveness is good for us. The great news is their work has resulted in ways we can learn to forgive one another. AND what they have learned is available to everyone. It is available to you.

Tim Markle has been teaching forgiveness for many years in Wisconsin. He has been on his forgiveness journey for much longer than that. In addition to his work with Forgiveness Factor, Tim is also a contributing writer and speaker for the International Forgiveness Institute. He is available to speak about forgiveness and other topics. Tim’s teachings are based on the fantastic work of Dr. Robert Enright, “the father of forgiveness research.”

To receive regular updates on the Forgiveness Factor Community, scroll down to sign up to receive our encouraging Forgiveness Boosts.

Recent Events:

In November, my son Hunter and I were able to travel to Orlando for the 35th Anniversary of the National Federation of Families Conference. Hunter led a dynamic breakout on how he uses music, specifically hard rock and heavy metal music to help him with his mental health. Hunter is a young adult autistic who also has anxiety and depression. It’s complicated. He connected with so many other young adults and spoke from his heart. He is amazing! I was able to lead a breakout called, Bringing You to Life! This was our third year presenting at this conference. I have presented on the Role of Forgiveness in Mental Health, the Role of Forgiveness in Recovery, and Forgiveness as Resilience. Hunter has shared his story of Autism and Anxiety: Help!, and Why Won’t My Brain Shut up? We love the people we have met at NFF! It gives us a fantastic place to talk about the intersection of disability and mental health, inclusion, and forgiveness.

In October, Forgiveness Factor was a sponsor for Wisconsin’s 20th Annual Mental Health & Substance Use Recovery Conference. We (Hunter and I) met a lot of awesome people and hopefully helped some people consider forgiveness in their recovery journey. We are so thankful for the people who financially supported our sponsorship! You are making a difference. Hopefully we will be able to afford to sponsor the conference again in 2025 (probably around $1000) and maybe we will have breakout session proposal accepted so we can really dig into the Role of Forgiveness in Recovery. We are hopeful we can sponsor the Wisconsin Peer Recovery Conference in April of 2025. We would really like to help Peer Specialists engage in their personal journey of forgiveness and help others learn the benefits of forgiveness. Scroll down to see how you can partner with us!

Find videos, podcasts, and radio episodes.

You can become a FF Supporter!

Forgiveness Factor is now a Creator on Buy Me a Cup of Coffee! This is an easy way to donate a little or a lot. Once or often. We come across opportunities to share about the power of forgiveness and some opportunities cost time AND money (or ask for a donation). We are thankful to the Stoughton Area Community Foundation for supporting our work in Stoughton, and sometimes we want to reach Mt. Horeb, or Whitewater, the Dells, or La Crosse. Even Chicago, Oklahoma City, or Washington D.C., or Orlando. We appreciate anything you can do to help support sharing forgiveness.

Forgiveness Boost

Coming soon

Learn more about inviting Tim to speak on the Speaking page.