Wisconsin, November and 70 Degrees


In an odd turn of events, I get to sit out on my deck in November and write. Is this a beautiful day? Is it the last chance to enjoy the outside before the Wisconsin winter sets in? Is it a day to get things done? What is the right way to spend this day, to accept this gift?

You know there is no “right” answer
I guess today could include all of those options and none of those options. My options will change as the day progresses. But what if the answer is it doesn’t matter what I do, but how I do it? I’m not talking about perfection, but what I am talking about is my attitude.

It goes back to the idea that only place I can be is HERE. The only time I have is NOW. I can spend time, emotions and energy wanting to be other places or wanting things in my reality to be different. OR I can choose to live HERE and NOW. Take this moment and live in it. Take the people I come across today and be with THEM. As I do laundry or watch football or clean windows or write–I acknowledge that it is how I CHOOSE to spend this moment. 

I could hijack the moment and choose to dwell on my pain, on my past, on my shortcomings, on my desires–but I can also choose not to let the moment be hijacked. I can slow down and notice the sights, smells and feel of the air around me. I can be grateful for this moment. I can pray and bring people into my thoughts and hold them close. I can live in this moment and not let it be highjacked by the “would’ve, could’ve, should’ves”. So can you.

I hope you join me in the HERE and NOW.

With gratitude,

I invite you to join me on a journey. Please consider joining me this Wednesday night as we talk about Swimming in Unforgiveness. Even if you can only join once, please join. You do need to register to receive the link. There is no charge. 

Go to stoughtonhealth.com and click on “Classes and Events,” scroll to a class in November and click on it. You will receive a website link and call-in phone number. If you have questions. please call Jen at 608-877-3485.